Are you looking for merch for your podcast listeners

Posted on Wednesday, 7th December 2022

Over 1.9 million Britons listen to podcasts. (Cybercrew) wow! Apparently, the first podcast came out in 2004 - we didn't know that! Are you looking to spread the word about your podcast, build your podcast community and generate a bit of revenue from all your hard work? 

Have you considered getting yourself some podcast swag? We'll help you to get started... 

Who is listening to your podcast?

Base your podcast swag choices on your audience demographics: 

40% of UK podcast listeners' interests? Is your subject matter around parenting, pets, football, or marketing or are you talking to foodies, fashion fans, or cyclists? 

What subjects do your listeners email you about? What questions do they ask? 

Other things to think about when choosing your branded merch for podcasts:

Do your listeners have a passion for sustainability and climate change? 

Does your podcast audience love a gadget or a bit of new tech? 

Are your listeners tuning in during a run, on the commute, or while they work from home? 

What time of year is it? Is it time to wrap up warm or listen to a podcast on the beach? 

Could your podcast merch be the ideal Secret Santa or Christmas gift for a friend or colleague? 

How are your podcast listeners tuning in?

79% of Britons listen to podcasts on their smartphones. (Cybercrew) 

In that case... how about a phone-related gift? 

Microfibre smart wallet (sticks to the back of a phone - more versatile than a phone as listeners can have any number or brands of smartphone)

Bluetooth speaker (stops a pone battery from draining and your listeners will be able to hear the podcast over the cooking, the hoover and the kettle)

Riff Bluetooth® headphones with microphone (we chose these because they look so good!)

How will you generate sales of your podcast-branded merchandise?

How will you generate sales of your podcast-branded merchandise?

Of course this is a big part of the plan, so here are some suggestions:

  1. Social media - of course!

Instagram Shop

Facebook Shop

Google Profile Shop

Pinterest posts

  1. Through your website (if you have one)

Shopify or another shop-style platform

  1. Put the link to your podcast merch shop in your show notes.

  1. During the podcast or at the end mention that merch is available - link in the show notes.

  1. Ask your listeners to share a photo of the merch they buy and share it on social - tagging you!

  1. Do you post your podcast episodes to YouTube? Add a link to your shop in the bio and video description.

Make a launch plan, let listeners know your podcast merch is coming (you could even ask what they might buy - ask them to DM or reply in social stories), create a build-up, give them FOMO - ‘limited edition merch, get it while stocks last’!

More podcast popular podcast swag ideas:

  1. Coffee time! Do your podcast listeners listen when they are having a break?

Quick podcast merch checklist:

⃞ Product colour is available to match your podcast artwork

⃞ Your logo file is clear and a suitable shape for the product of your choice

⃞ The item is ‘on brand’ (or on message) and sits within your values and the listener expectations of your brand e.g. fun, innovative, good quality, helpful, eco-friendly.

⃞ Fits with your ethics e.g. sustainably sourced, vegan leather.

⃞ Easy to ship (what is your postal budget/method is shipping going to be?)

⃞ If you are seeking a collection of items do they cover a range of price points?

Do you like what you see but can’t spot the right colour or size? Get in touch.

We love a podcast! Please send us your podcast recommendations, even if it’s your own podcast, we’d love something new to listen to in the office!

Take a look at our full catalogue here for inspiration.